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'Restart a Heart'

Posted on: 20/10/2022

We are delighted to announce that we have installed our 4th defibrillator this half term, which will provide  additional coverage for the school site as well as out of hours access for our community.  The defibrillator is located outside the main school gates and, if required, the access code can be obtained by phoning the emergency services. 

HDS are committed to equipping all our young people with life-saving skills and we were delighted to welcome an Emergency Care Assistant this month to deliver CPR and AED training to our PE Aspire students.  As many of you will be aware, we have worked closely with the Ronnie Richards Memorial Charity for nearly 10 years, and were one of the first schools to purchase a defibrillator.  We believe that everyone should have the knowledge of how to respond in an emergency.  Starting in Year 7, we deliver basic first aid, CPR and AED training, with regular training refreshers taking place in Years 8 – 11.  The recent training delivered to our Aspire students has built upon their existing knowledge, and will enable them to assist in future training sessions with younger students at both HDS and in primary schools.

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