School Policies

Page Documents Date Category  
Accessibility Plan 25th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Admissions Policy 03rd Jun 2024 Policies Download
Behaviour for Learning and Relationships Policy 25th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Careers Education Information and Guidance Policy 10th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Charging and Remission Policy 25th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Citizenship and Personal Development Policy 10th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Collective Worship Policy 10th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Community Use Policy 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Complaints Procedure 25th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Curriculum Policy 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Data Protection Policy and Privacy Notice 12th Mar 2024 Policies Download
E-Safety Policy 25th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Emergency Evacuation Procedure 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy 25th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Examinations and External Assessment Policy 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Exclusion Policy 25th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Extremism and Radicalisation Policy 10th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Flexible Working Policy 10th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Freedom of Information Scheme 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Governor Links Policy 18th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Health and Safety Policy 10th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Mutual Respect Policy 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Numeracy Across the Curriculum Policy 10th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Relationships and Sex Education Policy 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
SEND Policy 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Setting and Grouping Policy 18th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Staff Confidential Reporting Policy 10th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Staff Pay Policy 17th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Staff Recruitment Procedure Policy 08th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Staff Redundancy Procedure 17th Jan 2024 Policies Download
Staff Wellbeing Policy 25th Apr 2024 Policies Download
Student Attendance Policy 10th Oct 2023 Policies Download
Student Medical Conditions and Managing Medicines Policy 18th Oct 2023 Policies Download
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