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Mazey Day 2021 - Celebrating 30 Years of Golowan

Posted on: 26/06/2021

Saturday 26th June was Mazey Day in Penzance and, although the usual town parades were unable to happen again this year, Golowan Festival put on a spectacular display in Morrab Gardens – and, as always, Humphry Davy School students were very excited to get involved!

Every year students and staff come together to produce a spectacular structure created from withies, tissue paper and paint. The end result is always something to behold and this year, to mark the 30th anniversary of

Golowan, we created a HUGE structure to celebrate our involvement in this wonderful tradition over many years. 

Our ‘Celebratory Cake’ was accompanied by a number of our favourite characters from years gone by.  Each one holds a special memory in the hearts of the HDS community, bringing back fond recollections of crowded streets, laughter, sunshine and serpent dancing to the music of Golowan’s wonderful band.

We hope you managed to see the wonderful structures in person, but if you didn’t, check out the news story on our website for photos and video footage of the day!

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