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WW1 Centenary Battlefield Tour Programme

Posted on: 01/02/2020

Four Year 9 students were given the opportunity to travel to France and take part in the WW1 Centenary Battlefield Tour Programme.  The tour visited a number of WW1 battlefield sites and monuments in the Ypres area including Passchendaele Memorial Museum, Tyne Cot Military Cemetery, the Menin Gate Last Post Ceremony, 
Thiepval Memorial, Serre Road and Mametz Wood in the Somme as well as a number of smaller memorials and battlefields.  

Whilst in France the students also took the opportunity to study the work of a number of the famous poets whose work is based on their experiences in the trenches.  These included Rupert Brooke, Charles Sorley and Wilfred Owen.  A story of particular interest was that of the thirteen gardeners who worked for The Lost Gardens of Heligan who volunteered to join up in 1914, only four of whom 
returned. This proved to be a fascinating and humbling trip.

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