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Onnatti French Touring Theatre Company

Posted on: 17/01/2023

We welcomed the Onnatti French touring theatre company.  French students in Years 8, 9 and 10 watched a performance of La Maison Hantée – The Haunted House.  Our students were able to engage in a full theatre experience in the amphitheatre at Penwith College.  It was a wonderful opportunity to enhance their language learning!

« J’ai regardé la Maison hantée et j’ai bien aime la pièce. A mon avis je crois que c’était très amusant et créatif. »

“I watched the Haunted house and I really liked the play. In my opinion, I think that it was very funny and creative.“

Student in Year 10

« J’ai regardé la maison hantée à mon avis je crois que c’était amusant et divertissant. J’ai aimé les blagues en français et l’histoire. »

“I watched the haunted house, in my opinion, I think that it was funny and entertaining. I liked the French jokes and the story.”

Student in Year 9

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