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Humphry Davy Lantern Parade

Posted on: 17/12/2022

The Humphry Davy Science Ambassadors spent many fun hours making their Davy inspired lanterns to lead the Humphry Davy parade this December.

Annually celebrated on the birthday of the great man himself (17th December) the parade is run by the organisers of the Golowan Festival and involves children from all schools in the area proceeding through the town with lanterns to celebrate his life. We were honoured to lead the school’s parade!

Visiting artist Amada Lorens supervised the construction of the lanterns this year and helped produce some fabulously Davy themed willow beacons which our ambassadors proudly carried on Saturday 17th December as they made their way through the town. This was such a wonderfully festive way to end the term and is a fantastic celebration of the town’s history. 

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