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KS4 Presentation Evening

Posted on: 29/11/2021

We were thrilled to welcome back the Class of 2021 this term for their GCSE Presentation Evening. It was great to have the opportunity to celebrate their many achievements and to catch up on what they have been doing since they left us in the summer.

We were treated to a range of different speakers throughout the evening; from staff members to former students, including a personal video message from HDS Alumni and Olympic Champion, Helen Glover.  

2021 leaver, Micho, also shared with us a polished piece on the drum kit which was met with thunderous applause from all in attendance.  

Due to work commitments Helen Glover was unable to attend in person but kindly recorded her inspirational message which we were 
thrilled to share with the former students.  Helen told us how one of the main things she took from her life at HDS was to “take opportunities” and when she first took up rowing she “gave it all she had”; something she believes everyone should do in their life because you never know where something might take you. “Take every opportunity and every chance that comes your way and grab it with both hands.”
Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Oliver, echoed Helen’s message, sharing her own words of support to the students “Not only do I believe, and Helen endorses - a passion can turn into expertise, or mastery - I believe it is absolutely essential. To not follow your passion in life is a recipe for failure and unhappiness. A travesty.”

The student address was delivered by Ida who reminisced on both her and her peers’ time at school and thanked staff for their commitment.  

GCSE certificates were presented and special awards given out for everything from ‘Best GCSE Results’ to ‘The Good Egg Award’. The students were also presented with a yearbook which contained a collection of photos, reminding them of the many memories they have collected over the years.  We hope that this book will serve as a lasting reminder of the fun you had during your five years at HDS. Anyone who was unable to attend on the night please do come and pick up your copy from reception. 

A big thank you to all who attended, it was great to see you all and we cannot wait to see what you accomplish in your future endeavours. Be brave, grab the opportunities and thrive!

Please keep in touch by joining our alumni association! We would love to hear about all the wonderful things you get up to.  Sign up is quick and easy, visit and search Humphry Davy or visit our alumni page here.

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