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Results Day 2021

Posted on: 12/08/2021

Congratulations to a fantastic set of students!

Humphry Davy School students, parents, staff and governors are together celebrating the GCSE achievements of the 2021 cohort. It is a tremendous feeling and without doubt one of the greatest rewards as a teacher to watch a student’s face and body language shift from nervous anticipation to absolute joy as they open their result envelopes.

We are incredibly proud of the success of all our students. In incredibly difficult circumstances, they worked exceptionally hard, overcoming numerous hurdles and challenges and I want to congratulate all involved. The hard work, positive attitudes and dedication of students and staff have been rewarded with many, many excellent grades and some amazing individual performances. 

Yet again, the success of individual students places them in the top performers in the country with three students attaining nine Grade 9s at GCSE.  Over a third of all students were awarded grade 7s or above (old ‘A’ and ‘A*’ grades) across the full range of subjects offered at HDS and the delighted Maths faculty stretched the most able with students awarded grade 9’s in Further Maths in addition to GCSE Mathematics. 

But, at Humphry Davy, we all know that success is not just measured by the number of top grades achieved. Alongside their tremendous academic success, we are equally proud of the wonderful young adults our students have become. Praised by all who know them as a tremendous year group with wonderful community spirit, they have been incredible role models for our younger students and the wider Penzance community.  As well as raising awareness and campaigning on issues that affect us all - ranging from climate change to human rights and equality of educational access – they have also raised thousands of pounds for local and national charities. Record numbers have achieved Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award and with the unwavering support of their parents and families, they have achieved local, county and national recognition and success in music and the arts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) competitions and on the sports field. And we will never forget their contribution to the incredible musical productions that helped build the sense of community that got us all through the challenges of the lockdowns; here is just one example

Parents and carers have every right to be proud of their children and my thanks as Headteacher go to you all for your wonderful support over the years.  On behalf of the Governors and staff at Humphry Davy School, I would like to wish all our students ‘Good Luck!’ and continued success as they move on to the next stage of their education and careers. We look forward to hearing stories of your future achievements!

HDS is a truly fantastic place with great staff and students, supported by a strong sense of community that’s full of aspiration and ambition for each and every student. As we prepare to welcome the New Year 7 cohort in September, they can be confident and reassured from the 2021 results that hard work, determination and the support of our fantastic staff will leave them well placed to achieve their dreams and fulfil their future ambitions.

Bill Marshall
Headteacher - Humphry Davy School

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