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Careers Fair 2020

Posted on: 22/01/2020

The annual Humphry Davy School Careers Fair was another fantastic success this year with an amazing 80 stands at the event.  All students attended the fair giving everyone the opportunity to network and experience the hands on activities that were available. We also welcomed students from other local schools giving exhibitors the chance to meet hundreds of young people from West Penwith. 

A wide variety of future career prospects were showcased, including the top ten growth areas for jobs in Cornwall.  From local colleges, 6th forms and universities to renewable energy, tourism, hospitality and the public services; the fair really did have something for everyone! There was a real buzz of energy around the school from all the students and exhibitors with visitors commenting, “What a fabulous event”; “There was so much enthusiasm from the students”; “We really enjoyed coming!”

As you walked around the fair, it was clear to see just how inspired the students were as they excitedly discussed career possibilities with each other. With echoes of, “What a brilliant day, I particularly loved the health care sections” and “wow, there is so much information” being heard as you meandered your way around the stalls.

Our careers event is always a fantastic day with so many opportunities for students to think about and discuss their futures outside of school.  Thank you to everyone who attended.  

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