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Year 7 Camp - Part One!

Posted on: 22/09/2022

Thursday 22nd September 2022

Today marked the start of our first Year 7 camp this year!

Students from Aweni, Medra and Sowena houses were full of excitement as they arrived at school this morning, eager to board the buses and get going!

Their first stop at the Eden Project proved to be a huge hit with smiles all round. 

Update - Friday 23rd September 2022

Last night our Year 7 students ‘slept with the sharks’ at Plymouth Aquarium! What an exciting overnight stay...complete with a movie in front of the biggest tank, and a midnight snack! 

Up early this morning, our students enjoyed breakfast overlooking the water, before heading to Plymouth Bowl for a couple of games and lunch.

I'm sure we'll be hearing more about their adventures upon their return!

Next week Tevi, Longya and Kemeneth will be embarking on their adventures.   Check back to see how they got on.

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