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HDS @ Helstonbury

Posted on: 24/07/2022

The HDS music department (both staff and students) have had a busy weekend performing at Helstonbury!

On Friday's 'Introducing' Night, we had 3 acts perform:

Mel and Tallula

Red Shift

Band of Fiasco!

All acts performed amazingly and the bands were extremely well received.  Band of Fiasco!, in particular, were singled out as being extremely competent and entertaining.

Our staff were also busy taking to the stage, with Mrs Bradley and Mr Martin performing with 'The Fast Track Big Band' on Thursday's 'Helstonbury does Jazz' evening, and Mr Bosworth and Ms Turton performing with 'Stone Roots' on Sunday night.

Band of Fiasco! now look forward to performing at Boardmasters on 14th August.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Thanks to Jack Riding Photography for providing these shots!
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