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A Feast of Grimm Tales

Posted on: 13/07/2022

This year’s summer production was a compilation of three classic ‘Grimms’ Tales’, Little Red Cap, Hansel and Gretel and Rumplestiltskin.  Our students were gifted with beautiful sunshine meaning their play could go ahead on the field as planned.  It was fantastic to see the students in their element as they showed off the fantastic play they have been rehearsing tirelessly. 

Parents, friends, staff and HDS students were welcomed to our first evening performance on the 6th July with encouraging smiles all round as the students took to the stage.  Pupils from local primary schools were invited the following day for a matinee performance, where they sat in silence as they watched on; captivated by our budding actors.  Confidence oozed from each and every one of them and, despite the challenging breeze, they projected their lines and portrayed their characters in a way that they should be proud of.  With musical performances in between set changes the whole production worked seamlessly. 

Lovely feedback could be heard from the visitors as they left with smiles on their faces.  The dedication, time, effort and talents of our young people really shone through, enabling us to bring this show to life, a huge ‘well done’ to everyone involved!


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