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Visiting the Minack Theatre

Posted on: 05/04/2022

“On Monday 21st March my class went to the Minack Theatre. We all thought this was a great experience! It was a beautiful day and we were roasting the whole time. We were so lucky to get the first actual ‘beach’ weather day of the year! We got to see the entire theatre and learn facts about it from great people. We then did a warm up (the stone floor we had to kneel on was a bit cold) before splitting off into groups and acting small scenes based on the Tempest. This was a lot of fun to do but even more fun to watch. Some of the groups did serious retellings of King Alonso, Sebastian, Gonsalo and Antonio’s tracking across the island, while other groups did hilarious performances depicting Prospero’s banishment from Milan or Ariel’s imprisonment in a tree. Overall the trip was amazing and we all had a great time.”

Isaac, Year 8 

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