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Experiencing Art in St Ives

Posted on: 25/03/2022

Year 9 art students visited the Tate St Ives and the Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture garden this week.  This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to spend the day studying professional art displays, and what a spectacular day they had for it too! 

The students are currently working on a project focused on natural forms, so visiting these two exhibitions was the perfect chance to get inspired.  As the sun shone down, our students made their way around the displays taking photographs, making notes and drawing sketches of their favourite pieces.  Students were asked to consider user interaction, how the artwork made them feel, as well as exploring the context of the artwork and the emotional connection the artist had with their work.

The Tate St Ives is currently closed to the public for building work, so our students had the whole exhibition to themselves…a truly VIP experience! Everyone had a wonderful morning, and on the coach ride home, couldn’t stop talking about what they had seen.  This visit has really helped develop our student’s understanding of how artist research can inspire their own creations and we look forward to seeing how their own creative work progresses.   

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