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Science Week

Posted on: 18/03/2022

Week commencing 14th March was National Science Week and to celebrate the event we ran a huge variety of amazing activities for everyone to get involved in!

Year 7, 8 and 9 students enjoyed a practical lesson that taught them all about Sir Humphry Davy and his many discoveries. Students investigated flame tests, colouring the Bunsen burner flames with different metal ions and saw 
reactivity from group 1 metals and methane gas.  Our Year 9 Triple Science groups headed to Penwith College to gain experience doing amazing A level science practicals (and have also been invited to continue this in the summer term).

The Science Ambassadors were ‘science busking’ every Lunchtime, showcasing experiments and  running competitions amongst many other things.  Our Science Cinema proved hugely successful; open throughout the week, we ran science clips and videos to get students thinking. In mentoring, all students got involved in a Science Quiz to earn points for their houses. 

Finally, we are excited to announce that the annual Q.I. quiz, which has been a regular feature of science week, will be taking place in the coming weeks.

If you are interested in becoming a Science Ambassador please do ask any member of the science department about how to get involved!

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