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World Book Day 2022!

Posted on: 03/03/2022

Today we celebrated the 25th anniversary of World Book Day! 

In the run up to today, we’ve had a busy week celebrating our shared love of reading and literacy. 

In classrooms decorated with book themes, our mentor groups had lots of fun taking part in events such as ‘the masked reader quiz’, guessing which picture of a bookshelf belonged to which member of staff, and challenging themselves with reading quizzes to win extra prizes!

Today, dressing up as their favourite character of the last 25 years, our students and staff made a huge effort! 

It was fantastic to see so many familiar characters around the site...and it was great to have Spiderman as our Duty Student for the day!

Check out the gallery to see what we’ve been up to!

All funds raised today will be donated to support the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine.  Thank you for your donations!
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