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Students Own the Duke of Edinburgh's Award

Posted on: 21/07/2019

In the glorious Cornish sunshine 58 intrepid explorers descended on St Just like a swarm of butterflies to a buddleia. By half nine they had colonised the centre of St Just, taking up residence on the green lawns and making the most of the sunny start. With their coloured rucksack covers and purple t-shirts St Just became a candidate for Britain in Bloom!

After a final briefing, the students dispersed to the four corners of the village to start on their journey towards St Buryan. For some, finding the coastal path proved an engaging challenge, especially carrying their large backpacks. With the beautiful Cornish sun in full force, the nine teams trekked onwards, overcoming devious obstacles such as cows, horses, electric fences and the deadly gorse bush, into which more than one unwary traveller fell!

By lunchtime the teams were scattered far and wide, weaving their way through the countryside. West Penwith was transformed; the quiet country paths echoing to the sounds of marching feet, sprawling groups of students panting whilst lying upon every spare patch of grass and, of course, the cries of “I told you it was the other way” echoing off hill and dale.

By tea time all our students had made it to their destination and were busy serving up their ‘Michelin Star’ meals of Pasta and Sauce. Soon the glorious sunset lifted spirits and with weary legs forgotten, smiles and card playing, their laughter filled the campsite.

The second day, was another physical duel between Cornish Hills and student with everyone, including staff, making use of their well practised navigational skills! Everyone finished the day with a huge sense of achievement as weary legs dragged protesting bodies into Lands End with the rewards of hugs from friends and family and a promise of a hot bath and a soft, warm bed for the night.

The students will begin working towards their Silver award next year and we cannot wait to hear how they get on. Well done to everyone involved, what an achievement!

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