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Lego Engineers Travel to Birmingham

Posted on: 14/03/2019

On Friday 14th March, our ‘Lego Engineers’ travelled to Birmingham’s NEC to take part in the national finals of the Lego Engineering Competition and to experience the ‘Big Bang Fair’.

Starting with the competition, our team used computer programming and coding to control their robots through various obstacle courses and a speed test. Their team work skills, robot design and robot effectiveness were also judged, as was the presentation of their research project.

It takes a great deal of strategy, trial and error, team work, brain power and planning to program your robot in the correct way and our team certainly did not disappoint - coming away with a fantastic result, and feeling proud to have taken part and represent our school.

After the competition, our Engineers also had the opportunity to experience the ‘Big Bang Fair’ that was being held at the venue. With twenty halls full of different activities on offer (including ‘Big Battle Robots’, a huge climbing wall and a diving tank) there was so much to explore and do!

Great team work Engineers, ‘well done’!

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