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Exchange Visit to Le Nivot, France

Posted on: 24/07/2019

Students from Humphry Davy School recently spent a fantastic few days with our exchange school Le Nivot, in Brittany. Twenty three students from Years 8 -10 (all of whom study GCSE French) travelled by ferry to experience life in France. Taking part in many activities during their stay, our students were an absolute credit to us and engaged with enthusiasm in every activity presented to them.

A few weeks after our students returned from France we welcomed Le Nivot students to HDS. They experienced a ‘taste of Cornwall’, visiting the beach in St Ives, St Michael’s Mount and Geevor Mine; all followed by authentic pasty making in our very own catering kitchens!

We look forward to continuing and strengthening our friendship with Le Nivot during our annual exchange next year!

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