
School Vision 2022 copy

Our Aim and Principles (incorporating our co-operative core values)

Humphry Davy School seeks to unlock the talent and enterprise of all our young people.

  • value, trust and respect each member of our community and work together co-operatively;
  • develop their full academic, creative, physical and personal potential, regardless of background and overcoming any barriers to learning;
  • develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to lead successful and happy lives;
  • become independent, confident, considerate and responsible young people who make a positive contribution to society;
  • understand the importance of a fairer and environmentally sustainable world;
  • be empowered to make an ethical and sustainable contribution to local, national and global prosperity.

We are committed to justice and equality for all and will carry this through in school life by:

  • recognising individuality;
  • raising aspirations and awareness of opportunities;
  • valuing and celebrating the positive attitudes and diverse achievements of all;
  • encouraging a positive sense of place and identity through awareness of Cornwall’s heritage, environment and culture, and understanding and respecting differences on a local, national and international level;
  • establishing fair and firm boundaries which promote self-discipline and a responsible attitude towards people and property;
  • providing a community where all feel they belong and where each is known as an individual;
  • promoting the personal qualities of resilience, curiosity, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline, tolerance and compassion;
  • ensuring that our school is a community in which all participate in decision making and the voice of each individual can be heard.

“Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles, and kindnesses, and small obligations, given habitually, are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort”

(Sir Humphry Davy)

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum intent can be viewed here. 

Goals 2021-2024

  1. We will improve the progress of students to be at least in line with their peers nationally and close the gap between different groups of students.
  2. We will ensure our curriculum and teaching is engaging, focused on the individual needs of students, and supported by CPD for all relevant staff.
  3. We will ensure that students feel valued, invest in their own learning and taking responsibility for their positive engagement with the whole school.
  4. We will have a realistic, sustainable and flexible financial strategy in place which provides for school improvement priorities;
  5. We will embed an understanding of environmental sustainability and values across the curriculum and within the school’s operations.
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